Lead Like Jesus FAQ


90% Approval
193 Total Votes
174 Yes Votes
13 No Votes
6 Abstentions

Overall Mission

Help people find hope in Jesus and a home in His local church.

Immediate Goal

We want to equip our leaders for wider impact in our community.

Immediate Problem

Our current leadership structure and policies were developed and written 18 years ago when we were a church of 400. This has been a great foundation and framework from which to build, but we have since outgrown that way of doing church and is not sustainable if we want to continue to accomplish our mission.


Shifts in our constitution, by-laws and elder governance policies are necessary so we can have an even wider impact in our community. This will allow staff and lay leaders to prepare for what God has next for us at Whitewater. As we continue to grow and have a wider impact, the way we lead must evolve. These proposed shifts are steps in that direction. A great deal of prayer, resources, research and effort has been invested into developing the proper leadership structure to have a wider impact through our current strategic planning process.