Natalie Noppert Disciple-Making Associate

I'm a lover of great quotes and anything cozy. I come alive when I sit with people and talk about Jesus! I see Him at work in both the wild and the mundane, and I think our faith can be deeply profound and wondrously fun! I can be a bit quirky and a tad adventurous, although I'm much more risk averse than my husband. He and our three kids indulge me when I need to take a break from the adventures and recharge my introverted self. 
My favorite spot in the house is the kitchen table. It's always been a place of welcome and warmth, lively games and conversation; and there's always an open seat. 
My love for Jesus and people has taken me around the world and into neighbors' homes, but I find one thing to be true everywhere: All people bear the beautiful image of God, no matter how tarnished it's become. And I love helping people be restored and re-storied through encountering Jesus, finding spiritual community, and joining God in His work in this world!
